For 30-year-old hairstylist Casandra Barron, humor is the ultimate green flag—no surprise, considering she was named after a Wayne’s World character. She’s hoping to find someone she can laugh with, but any potential partner better be ready to win over her close-knit friend group first. Casandra isn’t picky about boxers or briefs, but one thing she can’t handle? A visible plumber’s crack. If her future match can keep his pants up and keep her entertained, he just might win her heart on Love Is Blind Season 8.

Adam Bevis

Alex Brown

Amanda Burke

Andrew Cole

Ashley Suter

Ben Mezzenga

Benji Smith

Brad Morgan

Brian Sumption

Brittany Dodson

Daniel Hastings

David Battenburg

Devin Buckley

Hugo Orieny

Joey Leveille

Kylie Schuelke

Lauren O’Brien

Madison Errichiello

Mason Horacek

Meg Fink

Mo Ndiaye

Molly Rose

Monica Danús

Sara Carton

Scott Sanderson

Taylor Haag

Tiera Shavone

Tom Dann

Vanessa Boreland