We drink while the castaways cannot.
Save the image for easy access to the rules during the show, or see the written rules below.
Take one sip:
- Castaway is called “trusted/trustworthy”
- Castaway references the prize money
- Castaway(s) win a challenge
- Castaway says “strategy/strategic”
- Castaway starts a fire at camp
- Castaway is seen eating on camera
Take three sips:
- Castaway finds/plays an idol or advantage
- Castaway earns or receives a reward
- Castaway mentions past Survivor contestant
- Castaway has a 1-on-1 conversation with Jeff
- Castaway requires medical attention
- Castaway makes or references a fake idol
Finish your drink:
- Castaway wins individual immunity
- Castaway gets eliminated
- Castaway is caught hiding/looking for an idol

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the hangovers that occur as a result of this drinking game.