From Clayton’s Bachelor Season 26, Lyndsey Windham is an industrial sales rep from Houston, Texas, and is looking for a man who is “humble, reliable, and ready to be her best friend.” Lyndsey can’t sleep without a noise machine, and also can’t stand clowns. Lyndsey had an incredibly brief time on the beach for Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, choosing to leave seconds after she arrived when all the guys were coupled up and wouldn’t go on a date with her. Better luck next time.
Meet the Season 26 Cast of The Bachelor
Meet the Bachelor women that were vying for Clayton’s heart.

Cassidy Timbrooks

Claire Heilig

Clayton Echard

Daria Rose

Eliza Isichei

Elizabeth Corrigan

Ency Abedin

Gabby Windey

Genevieve Parisi

Hailey Malles

Hunter Haag

Ivana Noble

Jane Paik

Jill Chin

Kate Gallivan

Kira Mengistu

Lindsay Dobbs

Mara Agreat

Marlena Wesh

Melina Nasab

Rachel Recchia

Rianna Hockaday

Salley Carson

Samantha Jeffries

Sarah Hamrick

Serene Russell

Shanae Ankney

Sierra Jackson

Susie Evans

Teddi Wright