Rose Ceremony 9 Eliminations: Gabi
Gabi (+33): +14 First person to say “I love you” to Zach, +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, -18 Leaves of their own accord or gets sent home outside of date/RC, +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +7 Contestant tells Zach they are “falling/in love” with him, +10 Zach tells contestant “I’m falling in love with/I love you”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Kaity (+111): +18 First contestant Zach says “I love you” to, +30 Contestant gets engaged to Zach, +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +20 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +7 Boat/plane/helicopter ride with Zach (personal watercrafts don’t count), +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +7 Contestant tells Zach they are “falling/in love” with him, +10 Zach tells contestant “I’m falling in love with/I love you”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Scoring Notes:
– In-studio content during the Finale is not scored.
Rose Ceremony 8 Eliminations: Ariel
Ariel (+23): +8 First Fantasy Suite date to air, +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +7 Contestant tells Zach they are “falling/in love” with him, +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Gabi (+73): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +18 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +7 Boat/plane/helicopter ride with Zach (personal watercrafts don’t count), +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +7 Contestant tells Zach they are “falling/in love” with him, +10 Zach tells contestant “I’m falling in love with/I love you”, +5 Reads the date card
Kaity (+39): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +18 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Reads the date card, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Scoring Notes:
– Zach sneaks into Gabi’s residence, not the other way around, so Gabi doesn’t lose points.
– The canoe that Zach and Kaity use is a personal watercraft, so she doesn’t get points.
– Ariel says “connected” but not “connection.”
– Contestants have to TELL Zach they are falling in love with him in order to earn points, not just say they are falling in love or reference a previous time they mentioned they were falling in love with him.
Rose Ceremony 7 Eliminations: Charity
Ariel (+26): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +16 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Charity (+26): +10 First contestant to tell Zach “I am falling in love” with you, +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +7 Contestant tells Zach they are “falling/in love” with him, -4 Word is bleeped out
Gabi (+53): +6 First official hometown date to air, +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +16 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Kaity (+35): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +16 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +7 Contestant tells Zach they are “falling/in love” with him, -4 Word is bleeped out
Scoring Notes:
– Hometowns count as being chosen for a 1-on-1 date.
– Kaity’s legs aren’t seen wrapped around Zach during their hug, so she didn’t earn points for the straddle hug.
Rose Ceremony 6 Eliminations: Aly, Brooklyn, Greer, Jess, and Katherine
Ariel (+21): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +14 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Brooklyn (+7): -10 First person to get sent home on a one-on-one date, +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +4 Contestant is seen in hot tub, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach
Charity (+27): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +14 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Gabi (+30): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +14 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 First to be seen hugging Zach during a group date, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Greer (-22): -18 Leaves of their own accord or gets sent home outside of date/RC, -6 Contestant sneaks into Zach’s residence outside of sanctioned date time, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Kaity (+52): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +14 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +4 Contestant is seen in hot tub, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Katherine (-7): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, -4 Word is bleeped out
Scoring Notes:
– A hot air balloon doesn’t count as boat/plane/helicopter, so Brooklyn didn’t earn points.
– Charity says “connected” but not “connection” so no points.
– Kaity says she is falling in love with Zach but doesn’t tell him directly, so no points.
Extra Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Aly and Jess (will be eliminated with the other contestants in next week’s episode for RC6 – Hometowns)
Aly (+4): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +4 First to be seen hugging Zach during a group date, +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Ariel (+39): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +12 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +4 Contestant is seen in hot tub, -4 Word is bleeped out
Brooklyn (+21): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +12 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Charity (+41): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +12 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach
Gabi (+38): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +12 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +5 Reads the date card, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Greer (+0):
Jess (+1): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -18 Leaves of their own accord or gets sent home outside of date/RC, +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Kaity (+31): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +12 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Katherine (+37): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +12 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant asks to steal (or other synonym) Zach away from another contestant, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Scoring Notes:
– Zach arriving at the hotel and hugging the girls doesn’t count for first hug on a group date points.
– Brooklyn said that Zach is here for Charity, which is not points.
Rose Ceremony 5 Eliminations: Kylee and Mercedes
Aly (+15): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Ariel (+17): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth)
Brooklyn (+27): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +5 Reads the date card, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Charity (+15): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Gabi (+32): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach, +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Greer (+22): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Jess (+13): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Kaity (+34): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach, +5 Reads the date card
Katherine (+14): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +10 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Kylee (-16): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, -4 Word is bleeped out
Mercedes (-10): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Scoring Notes:
– Virtual ‘snogs’ do not count as kissing Zach.
– Kaity just stood outside the door but didn’t go into Zach’s residence, so she didn’t lose points.
Rose Ceremony 4 Eliminations: Anastasia, Davia, and Genevie
Aly (+21): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Reads the date card, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Anastasia (-19): -6 First person to be accused of being there for the wrong/not right reasons, +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -18 Leaves of their own accord or gets sent home outside of date/RC, +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -3 Contestant gets accused of being there for the wrong/not right reasons, +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Ariel (+23): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth)
Brooklyn (+49): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +4 Contestant gives Zach a wraparound/jump & straddle hug, +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach, +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach
Charity (+24): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +3 Contestant tells Zach/another contestant someone is there for the wrong/not right reasons
Davia (+2): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +4 First to be seen hugging Zach during a group date, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Gabi (+12): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Genevie (-8): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth)
Greer (+22): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Jess (+13): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Kaity (+30): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”, +6 Contestant references seeing a “future” with Zach
Katherine (+44): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +7 Boat/plane/helicopter ride with Zach (personal watercrafts don’t count), +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach, +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant
Kylee (+20): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +4 Contestant asks to steal (or other synonym) Zach away from another contestant, +3 Contestant tells Zach/another contestant someone is there for the wrong/not right reasons, -4 Word is bleeped out
Mercedes (+11): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +8 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Scoring Notes:
– Anastasia kissing Zach on the cheek still counts as kissing Zach.
Rose Ceremony 3 Eliminations: Bailey, Brianna, and Christina
Aly (+44): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +7 Boat/plane/helicopter ride with Zach (personal watercrafts don’t count), +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach, +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +4 Contestant is seen in hot tub, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Anastasia (+9): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Ariel (+31): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +3 Kisses Zach in water or on a bed (both contestant and Zach must be in the water/on the bed. Points on top of kissing bonus), +5 Zach is shirtless while one-on-one with contestant, +4 Contestant is seen in hot tub, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Bailey (-5): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Brianna (-8): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -18 Leaves of their own accord or gets sent home outside of date/RC, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Brooklyn (+22): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Reads the date card, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Charity (+38): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +9 Contestant is seen popping a bottle of champagne, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Christina (+7): -5 First contestant to make another contestant cry, +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +9 Contestant is seen popping a bottle of champagne, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”, +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Davia (+13): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +4 First to be seen hugging Zach during a group date
Gabi (+11): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Genevie (+0): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), -9 Contestant vomits or requires medical attention
Greer (+7): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Jess (+12): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Kaity (+24): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Reads the date card, -4 Word is bleeped out
Katherine (+10): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), -4 Word is bleeped out
Kylee (+26): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +5 Contestant wins a group competition (as part of a team), +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Mercedes (+17): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +6 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Scoring Notes:
– We see Zach shirtless while on the first one-on-one, but we don’t see Kaity in the shot, so no points for her.
– When Bailey asks to “steal” Zach, he wasn’t with another contestant so Bailey doesn’t get points.
– Aly says she could see herself falling in love with Zach but not that she IS, so no points.
Rose Ceremony 2 Eliminations: Cat, Kimberly, Victoria J.
Aly (+10): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Anastasia (+12): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Ariel (+20): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +5 Reads the date card, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Bailey (+16): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +9 Contestant pops a bottle of champagne
Brianna (+18): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Brooklyn (+16): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”
Cat (-10): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Charity (+10): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Christina (+28): +7 Contestant is chosen for a one-on-one date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +7 Boat/plane/helicopter ride with Zach (personal watercrafts don’t count), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”
Davia (+11): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +4 First to be seen hugging Zach during a group date
Gabi (+19): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Genevie (+14): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Greer (+15): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +5 Reads the date card
Jess (+26): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +4 First to be seen hugging Zach during a group date, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Kaity (+10): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Katherine (+20): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +5 Contestant receives rose during a date (on top of regular rose bonus), +3 Kisses Zach, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Kimberly (-7): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Kylee (+15): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Mercedes (+7): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, +4 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Victoria J (-7): +3 Contestant is chosen for a group date, -15 Contestant gets eliminated by Zach on date or after a rose ceremony, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Scoring Notes:
– No one on the first group date received points for dancing 1-on-1 with Zach because they were in a group.
– Ariel said ‘connected’ but not ‘connection’ so no points.
Rose Ceremony 1 Eliminations: Becca, Cara, Holland, Lekha, Madison, Olivia L, Olivia M, Sonia, Vanessa, Viktoria E
Aly (+2): +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Anastasia (+2): +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Ariel (+2): +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Bailey (+14): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +8 Contestant kisses Zach on lips at limo intro (on top of kissing bonus), +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Becca (-7): -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Brianna (+8): +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., +4 Contestant says “I’m here for you/him/Zach/love”
Brooklyn (+5): +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Cara (-7): -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Cat (+19): +6 Speaks a language other than English during limo intros, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +6 Receives the final rose in a regular rose ceremony, +4 Contestant is seen eating (food must be seen entering mouth), +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count), -4 Word is bleeped out
Charity (+5): +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Christina (+22): +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., +6 Contestant rides in on something other than a limo, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Davia (+20): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +6 Speaks a language other than English during limo intros, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +9 Contestant is seen popping a bottle of champagne
Gabi (+5): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Genevie (+6): +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Greer (+26): +7 Contestant receives second overall rose (since First Impression rose was already handed out live), +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach, +9 Contestant is seen popping a bottle of champagne, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Holland (-7): -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Jess (+9): +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Kaity (+15): +6 First kiss with Zach after limo intros end, +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.)), +3 Kisses Zach
Katherine (+9): +4 First solo time with Zach (after limos), +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Kimberly (+2): +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Kylee (+5): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Lekha (-7): -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Madison (-7): +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., -18 Leaves of their own accord or gets sent home outside of date/RC, +3 Kisses Zach, +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach, +2 Uses the word “connection” or “journey”, -4 Word is bleeped out
Mercedes (+5): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Olivia L (-3): +4 Contestant pays compliment directly to Zach for being good-looking/cute/handsome, etc., -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Olivia M (-4): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Sonia (-2): -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night, +5 Contestant is featured speaking in a post-credit scene (laughing does not count)
Vanessa (+2): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night, +6 Dances 1-on-1 with Zach
Victoria J (+5): +3 Contestant brings a prop to their limo intro, +2 Contestant receives rose (with points equal to 2x the episode number (episode 1 = 2 points, episode 2 = 4 points, etc.))
Viktoria E (-7): -7 Eliminated at first Rose Ceremony on Premiere Night
Scoring Notes:
– Points were adjusted to make Night 1 Rose Ceremony eliminations less harsh.
– No flashbacks to previous content or previews of the season are scored.
– Cat says “love ya,” but not “I love you,” so no points.
– Davia saying ‘Opa’ when popping the bottle of champagne counts as speaking Greek, same with Cat saying “gabagool.”
– Davia says ‘connect’ but not ‘connection.’
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