Jake Tankersley

Age: 32

Hometown: Sand Springs, OK

Jake Tankersley, a 31-year-old from Sand Springs, Oklahoma, is a contestant on Team Gwen in The Playoffs. Jake has been raising a family with his wife, Ashleigh, since he was 19, after they met through a mutual friend and quickly fell in love. They married within a year, and just a month later, they learned they were expecting their first son. By 24, Jake was already a father of four. Working as a worship leader to support his family, he somehow still finds time to pursue his music. Music has been central to Jake’s life since his dad introduced him to Elvis at age 6 and gave him a guitar at 9, which he used to perform at talent shows. These days, Jake gigs every weekend across Oklahoma at local bars and restaurants, often performing after his kids go to sleep, and whenever possible, his family comes along to cheer him on.