The Challenge Advanced Game Rules

Choose a new team each week. Your contestants will earn or lose points based on the rules below.

It's like fantasy football, for The Challenge.

Choose a new team each week. 
Your players earn or lose points based on the rules below.


The perfect game type for The Challenge super fans who want to avoid the impact of spoilers. Every week, you’ll choose a team of contestants who will earn (or lose) points depending on what they say or do during the episode. After each episode, you will have the option to choose a new team for the following week.

Bracketology is the best way to watch reality TV!

Season-long Rules

Can be earned once per Episode, can be earned by multiple contestants.

The Challenge is a game after all...

These rules all pertain to Challenge gameplay: challenges, The Arena, and eliminations.


+5    Contestant wins a challenge while designated as a Target (bonus on top of first place in a challenge points)

+7    Wins Elimination challenge

+10   Contestant’s team wins first place in a challenge

+15   Contestant wins an individual challenge (not including Elimination challenges)



-3    Gets chosen as a Target

-9    Gets sent into The Arena

-12   Gets eliminated

Watch out.

Keep an eye out for these contestant actions to be done on screen.


+4    Kisses another contestant on lips/seen cuddling while covered by blankets

+5    Contestant initiates a toast/cheers/pops bottle of champagne

-5    Participates in unsanctioned violence/needs to be separated in an altercation



+2    Flashback clip package from previous show or Challenge season

+3    Seen exercising/working out outside of competitions

+4    Backstory clip package from life/call to home

-3    Contestant cries (tear must be seen on cheek/wiped away)

-4    Contestant vomits/requires medical attention

Listen up.

Keep your ears peeled for the following Challenge buzzwords and phrases.


+2    References someones name being out there

+3    Says “strategy” or “blindside”

+5    References something being good for their game

-3    Gets referenced as a threat/dangerous player



+5    Contestant is mentioned as someone trusted/can be worked with/in an alliance

-3    Gets referenced as a liability or weak link

-4    Contestant is mentioned as someone who can’t be trusted/is dishonest



+2    Contestant mentions a previous show they were on/Challenge season

+4    References the prize money/who they are playing for

+5    TJ says “you killed it” to contestant

-2    Contestant is muted/bleeped/blurred

Limited Time Only Rules

These rules are important, but only relevant for certain parts of the season.


+20   3rd place in The Challenge Final

+35   2nd place in The Challenge Final

+50   1st place in The Challenge Final

Sit back & let us handle the scoring.

All leagues are automatically scored after each episode, with results posted about an hour after the episode airs on the West Coast. Point breakdowns for each contestant can be found in the app, or in our Scoring Recaps.