Big Brother Scoring Recaps

Season 26

Scoring Recaps are now available directly in the Bracketology app.

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Week 1: Episodes 7/21, 7/24, and 7/25

Week to Week/Confidence Pool Game Types:

Eviction 1 – Matt Eliminated


Advanced Game Type (7/25):

Angela (+0):

Brooklyn (+0):

Cam (+0):

Cedric (+3): +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini

Chelsie (+0):

Joseph (+3): +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini

Kenney (+0): (3x) -1 For each vote cast against Houseguest at Eviction, +3 Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth)

Kimo (+9): +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), +5 Houseguest is removed from nomination block

Leah (+3): +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini

Lisa (+0):

Makensy (+0):

Matt (-10): (8x) -1 For each vote cast against Houseguest at Eviction, -8 Houseguest is evicted/removed, +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +5 Houseguest calls someone out by name in Power of Veto or eviction plea, -6 First Houseguest to get evicted, +4 Houseguest comes up with the name that is used for an alliance (one time points for each alliance name)

Quinn (+0):

Rubina (+0):

T’kor (+0):

Tucker (+0):


Scoring Notes:

– Leah named “The Throwmance” alliance. Quinn named “The Collective” alliance.


Advanced Game Type (7/24):

Angela (+0): +3 Participates in Power of Veto competition, -6 Houseguest takes last place in competition (solo or part of team), +5 Houseguest says “back door” or “blindside”, +3 Houseguest gets referred to as being “trusted/trustworthy” by another Houseguest, -3 Houseguest gets referred to by another Houseguest as someone who can’t be trusted, -2 Houseguest gets muted/bleeped out

Brooklyn (+6): (3x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Participates in Power of Veto competition

Cam (+3): +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini

Cedric (+3): +3 Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth)

Chelsie (+0):

Joseph (-6): +3 Participates in Power of Veto competition, -6 Houseguest takes last place in competition (solo or part of team), -3 Houseguest gets referred to by another Houseguest as someone who can’t be trusted

Kenney (+4): (4x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Participates in Power of Veto competition, -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target

Kimo (-1): +3 Participates in Power of Veto competition, -6 Houseguest takes last place in competition (solo or part of team), +2 Houseguest uses the word “pawn”

Leah (+7): +3 Houseguest gets referred to as being “trusted/trustworthy” by another Houseguest, +2 Houseguest uses the word “showmance”, -2 Houseguest gets muted/bleeped out, +4 Houseguest comes up with the name that is used for an alliance (one time points for each alliance name)

Lisa (+45): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Participates in Power of Veto competition, +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), +5 Power of Veto is used on this Houseguest to remove them from nomination block, +6 Houseguest uses the Power of Veto, +8 Houseguest wins Power of Veto (bonus in addition to competition win), +2 Houseguest uses the word “pawn”, +5 Houseguest says “back door” or “blindside”, +7 First Houseguest to use Power of Veto on themself

Makensy (-3): -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target

Matt (+4): -3 Houseguest is nominated for eviction in place of a vetoed player (penalty in addition to nomination), -5 Houseguest is nominated for eviction by HOH, +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +3 Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth), +4 Houseguest uses the phrase “make a big/large/huge etc. move” or “take a shot”, -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target, +3 Houseguest gets referred to as being “trusted/trustworthy” by another Houseguest, +2 Houseguest uses the word “showmance”

Quinn (+1): -3 Houseguest gets referred to by another Houseguest as someone who can’t be trusted, +4 Houseguest comes up with the name that is used for an alliance (one time points for each alliance name)

Rubina (-2): -2 Houseguest gets muted/bleeped out

T’kor (+0):

Tucker (+3): +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini


Scoring Notes:

– Matt named “The Barbershop” alliance.


Advanced Game Type (7/21):

Angela (+50): (13x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), +10 Houseguest wins Head of Household (bonus in addition to competition win), +3 Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth), +4 Houseguest says “blood on my hands” or similar phrase, -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target, +2 Houseguest uses the word “showmance”, +4 Houseguest mentions a previous season Big Brother Houseguest by name, +5 First Houseguest to win Head of Household, +4 First Houseguest to talk about their significant other/child, +4 Houseguest comes up with the name that is used for an alliance (one time points for each alliance name)

Brooklyn (+5): (2x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Houseguest mentions the prize money (or exact dollar amount)

Cam (+14): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +4 Houseguest is seen exercising/working out (outside of competitions/punishments), -3 Houseguest is a “have not” for the week, +5 Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn’t get points)

Cedric (+13): +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +4 Houseguest is seen exercising/working out (outside of competitions/punishments), +6 Houseguest lies about their profession/job to another Houseguest (once per season per contestant)

Chelsie (+0):

Joseph (+8): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini

Kenney (+13): (11x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), -5 Houseguest is nominated for eviction by HOH, -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target, +6 Houseguest lies about their profession/job to another Houseguest (once per season per contestant)

Kimo (-6): (2x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, -5 Houseguest is nominated for eviction by HOH, -3 Houseguest is a “have not” for the week

Leah (+21): (11x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +5 Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn’t get points), -2 Houseguest gets muted/bleeped out

Lisa (-1): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, -5 Houseguest is nominated for eviction by HOH, +5 Houseguest says “back door” or “blindside”, -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target, -3 Houseguest gets referred to by another Houseguest as someone who can’t be trusted

Makensy (+5): -6 Houseguest takes last place in competition (solo or part of team), +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +3 Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth), +5 Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn’t get points)

Matt (+19): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +5 Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn’t get points), -3 Houseguest gets referred to as being a threat or target, +2 Houseguest uses the word “showmance”, +3 First Houseguest to talk about their pet

Quinn (+23): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +4 Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals), +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, -3 Houseguest is a “have not” for the week, +5 Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn’t get points), +4 Houseguest says “blood on my hands” or similar phrase, +5 First Houseguest to say they are a Big Brother “superfan”

Rubina (+2): (2x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition

T’kor (+8): (5x) +1 For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Power of Veto competition, +3 Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth)

Tucker (+9): -6 Houseguest takes last place in competition (solo or part of team), +3 Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini, +4 Houseguest is seen exercising/working out (outside of competitions/punishments), -3 Houseguest is a “have not” for the week, +5 Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn’t get points), +6 Houseguest lies about their profession/job to another Houseguest (once per season per contestant)


Scoring Notes:

– Angela named the “BB Guns” alliance.